1. Authors are invited to submit their abstracts electronically via this webpage.
  2. The authors, with 1 registration fee, can submit up to 2 abstracts (that means with 1 registration that can present and then publish 2 works).
  3. All abstracts will be reviewed by the International and National Scientific Committees.
  4. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to each corresponding author.
  5. Accepted abstracts will be classified as either oral or poster contributions.
  6. The abstract accepted for an oral presentation will be presented in one of the Technical sessions of the conference (20 minutes per talk)
  7. You can consult the conference program here
  8. The abstracts must be written in English and they must not exceed 3000 characters, including spaces.
  9. The abstracts should only be one paragraph long and should not include any footnotes, references, equations, or tabular data. 
  10. The primary purpose, any tested hypotheses, the methods and procedures used, the key findings and conclusions, and any recommendations that can be made in light of the data and findings should all be included in an abstract.
  11. The writers can choose up  2 conference topic that apply to their work when submitting their work.
  12. The preference for an oral or poster presentation should also be stated.
  13. The oral and poster presenters will have the chance to publish a full paper after the conference, click here to learn more.
  14. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
  15. If you are under 36 years of age you can decide to participate at the best Poster Award competition
  16. You can find some useful suggestion to write your abstract at the bottom of the page.



In order to write you abstract well you will need to choose what portion of your research project you want to present. While it may be tempting to try to impress by explaining everything, it is unrealistic to try to present all of your work in so few words.


Set yourself up for success by picking one study or experiment that tells a short, cohesive, and interesting story.


Your abstract should first describe the background and rationale behind your work, and then summarize the methodology used, the main results and conclusions, and then briefly discuss the implications and relevance of your findings.


You will also need to come up with a good title for your abstract. Remember that your abstract will be published in an abstract booklet that has an ISBN code that all attendees of the conference will use to find specific posters and presenters during the conference.


Having a catchy title and a well-written abstract will help increase interest in your work and ensure that plenty of people will visit your poster during the poster session.