POSTER SESSION 1 - 22 May (12:30 p.m - 02:00 p.m)

(Building F - BASEMENT FLOOR - F, Fl.-1)

The poster boards are suitable for portrait oriented A0 posters (size A0: 841x1189 mm, 33.1x46.8 in) that will be numbered according to the program. Fixing material will be available in the Posters Area. Conference staff will be available to assist you. Also, we can print the poster for you for EUR 45. Please choose this option upon registration. Poster will be given to you at the registration desk.


Each poster will be displayed throughout the whole day. Posters should be displayed in the morning on the day of the presentation and removed at the end of the poster session. Please note that posters remaining after closing will be removed by the organizers.


The authors are kindly asked to be available for discussions at their posters during the poster sessions. Presentation of the poster contribution during its allocated poster session is necessary condition for submission of the corresponding contributed paper.


Last but not least, the LOC invite students to take part in the Student Poster Competition. The LOC will nominate experts from the Scientific Committees to select three best posters, based on content, design, and presentation. The presenting authors will be awarded 100 EUR each. In order to take part to the contest, students are required to send the PDF version of their poster to (maximum 10 MB) by the 12th May 2017.




Monday, 22 May 2017 (12:30 a.m-02:00 p.m)

Presenter and Co-Authors


Paolo Castelli (1)

(1) Ministry of Interior, Department of Fire Brigades (Italy)

(P1.1) Some of the major issues to be addressed for the detection of the environmental presence of CBRNe agents

Raffaella Giovinazzo (1), L. Caradonna (1), G. Giaquinta(1), E. Guerrera(1), M. Mameli(1), A. Mansi(1), G. Marena(1), T. Mastromartino(1), D. Sarto(1), P. Tomao(2)

(1) INAIL - Consulenza Tecnica Accertamento Rischi e Prevenzione

(1) INAIL - Dipartimento di Medicina, Epidemiologia, Igiene del Lavoro e Ambientale

(P1.2) Proposal of benchmark guidance values in surface microbiological monitoring: a literature review

Roberto Paoletti (1)

(1) Senior engineer (Executive – Deputy Manager) of the Ministry of the Interior - Fire Department (Italy)

(P1.3) Earthquakes could be generated by nuclear fusion of the hydrogen present in the ground

L. Di Giamberardino (1), A. Mattoccia (1), J. Zoppi (2), P. Gaudio (1), A. Malizia (1), M. Richetta (1), Mauro Caciolai (2), Bruno Petrulli (2)  P.G. Medaglia (1)

(1) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, (Italy)

(2) Center for Prevention and Technical Security, Office for Passive Protection, Active protection, Industry and laboratories (Italy)

(3) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, (Italy)

(P1.4) Mechanical characterization of textilesbased on Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxide for potential use in CBRN protective suits for firefighters

Min-jeong Kim (1) and Gyu-Cheol Lee (1)

(1) Water Quality Research center, K-water, (Republic of Korea)

(P1.5) Duplex Real-time PCR assay for Simultaneous Detection of Acanthamoeba spp. and Naegleria fowleri in Raw Water

Ken'ichi Tsuchiya (1), K. Kurosawa (1), N. Akiba (1), H. Kakuda (1), D. Imoto (1), M. Hirabayashi (1), K. Kuroki (1)

(1) National Research Institute of Police Science, Physics section, 6-3-1 Kashiwanoha, CHIBA, (Japan)

(P1.6) Development of radiation detection methods against radiological or nuclear threat

Stefano Venturini (1)

(1) Ministry of Interior, Department of Fire Brigades (Italy)

(P1.7) The potential of Italian Fire Brigade for the immediate securing of the environment, which is essential for the containment of environmental damage as a result of CBRNE incidents.

Vito Volpetti(1), F. Barcio (1)

(1) TEKNE s.r.l. - Defence & Security Division, via E.Mattei 20, 66100 Chieti, (Italy)

(P1.8) A novel concept for integrated environmental surveillance and protection

Yasmin Himid (1), R. Rossi (1) and A. Malizia (2)

(1) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata",   Rome, (Italy)

(2) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome "Tor Vergata",   Rome, (Italy)

(P1.9) The e-factor in Industrial Risk: Predict and Prevent through Experiments

Tzu-Yun Huang (1), Yu-Ju Lin(1), Yi-Chien Chih(1), Shu-Mei Chou(1), Chang-Hsun Chen(1)

(1) Centers for Disease Control, No.6, Linsen S. Rd., Jhongjheng District, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C). (Taiwan)

(P1.10) Applying Incident Command System (ICS) to the Command and Control of Bioterrorist Attack Response in Taiwan

Lea Fellner (1), F. Gebert (1), A. Walter (1), K. Gruenewald (1), F. Duschek (1)

German Aerospace Center, Institute of Technical

Physics, Langer Grund, Lampoldshausen, 74239 Hardthausen, (Germany)

(P1.11) Variations in fluorescence spectra of a bacterial population during different growth phases

Marian Kraus (1), Lea Fellner (1), Florian Gebert (1), Karin Grünewald (1), Carsten Pargmann (1), Arne Walter (1),  Frank Duschek (1)

German Aerospace Center, Institute of Technical Physics, Langer Grund, Lampoldshausen, 74239 Hardthausen, (Germany)

(P1.12) Comparison of classification models for spectral data of laser-induced fluorescence

Patrick Wengler  (1), Cenciarelli O.  (2) , (3) Ludovici G.M.

(1) Luxemburg Grand-Ducale Police, UCPA /SGA, L-1110 Findel (Luxemburg)

Phd candidate, London Metropolitan University

(2) University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Industrial Engineering, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy

(3) International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events (Italy)

(P1.13) First Responders Pocket-Card, 9 liner

Francesco Rosiello  (1), Monti M. (2), Modini C. (1), Russo L. (1), Zelinotti L.(3), Vinci A. (1)

(1) Sapienza-University of Rome, Via del Policlinico 155, Rome, Italy

(2) USL Umbria 1, Via G. Guerra 21, Perugia, Italy

(3) Istituto Zooprofilattico Lazio, Via Appia Nuova, 1411, Roma, Italy

(P1.14) How would Rome react to a NCBR attack?

Tania Martín-Pérez (1), F. J. Llerena-Aguilar (1) , J. Pérez-Serrano (2), J.L. Copa-Patiño(2), J. Soliveri de Carranza (2), J.M. Orellana-Muriana (3), J.L. Pérez-Díaz (1)

(1) Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Alcalá, (Spain)

(2) Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Alcalá, (Spain)

(3) Centro de Experimentación Animal, Universidad de Alcalá, (Spain)

(P1.15) Eco-friendly air decontamination of biological warfare agents using “Counterfog” system

Juan Sánchez-García-Casarrubios (1), F. J. Llerena-Aguilar (1) and J.L. Pérez-Díaz (1)

(1) Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain


Riccardo Rossi (1), J. F.  Ciparisse (1), A. Malizia (2) and P. Gaudio (3),

(1) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(2) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(P1.17) Identification of dangerous chemical gas in atmosphere by means of miniDial CO2 based apparatus

Alba Iannotti (1), R. Rossi (2), P. Gaudio (2) and A. Malizia (3)

(1) Hesar, Via del Politecnico 1 (Italy)

(1) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(2) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(P1.18) Game Theory as Decision Making Tool in Conventional and Non-Conventional Events

Riccardo Rossi (1), J. F. Ciparisse (1), P. Gaudio (1) And A. Malizia (4)

(1) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(2) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(P1.19) Explosion risks inside pharmaceutical, agro-alimentary and energetic industries as a consequence of critical dust conditions: numerical models to prevent these accidents

Alessandro Puleio (1), O. Cenciarelli (2) , A. Malizia (1) and J.F. Ciparisse (2)

(1)Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(2) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)


(P1.20) Numerical analysis of natural and intentional releases of emergent and re-emergent pathogens: an idea to merge medicine, biology and engineering disciplines

Milos S. Tosic (1), Z. M. Nikolic(1), T. P. Brdaric (1,2), G. S. Tasic (1,2), D. S. Milovanovic (1), Lj. Sutulovic (1,2), M. P. M. Kaninski (1)

(1) University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, P.O.Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, (Serbia)

(2) Hotzone Solutions, Prinsessegracht 6, 2514 AN, The Hague, (Netherlands) 

(P1.21) Organophosphate pesticides and bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide referred to organic pollutants in environmental sample matrices

Elisa Michelini (1,2), L. Cevenini (1), A. Lopreside (1), M. M. Calabretta (1), M. D’Elia (3), A. Roda (1,2)

(1) Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna Via Selmi, 2, Bologna, Italy 

(2) INBB, Istituto Nazionale di Biostrutture e Biosistemi, Viale Medaglie d'Oro 305, Roma, Italy

(3) Gabinetto Regionale di Polizia Scientifica per l’Emilia Romagna, Polizia di Stato, Bologna, Italy

(P1.22) Smartphone-based cell biosensors: a new tool for rapid on-site detection of chemical agents

G.M. Ludovici (1), Orlando Cenciarelli (2), A. Malizia (3)

(1) International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe Events, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy);

(2) Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy);

(3) Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(P1.23) Could fungal toxins constitute a concern for biosecurity?

Valeria Villa (1), G. Reniers (2), V. Cozzani (3)

(1) LISES – DICAM, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy

(2) Safety and Security Science Group, TPM Faculty, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands

(3) LISES – DICAM, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy

(P1.24) Application of economic analysis to the selection of security measures against environmental accidents in a chemical installation

Min-jeong Kim (1), Hyunwook Cha (2), Minsu Ko (2) and Gyu-Cheol Lee (1)

(1) Water Quality Research center, K-water, (Republic of Korea)

(2) R&D Center, NanoHelix Co., Ltd (Republic of Korea)

(P1.25) Development of MIC Real Time PCR for Detecting Four Major Biological Weapons

A. Rizzo(1), C. Telloli (1), P. Bartolomei (1), F. Manassero (2), G. Ottaviano (1), Donato Maurizio Castelluccio (1)

(1) ENEA, Bologna Research Center, Fusion and Technology for Nuclear Safety and Security Department, Nuclear Safety Security and Sustainability Division, via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, 40129, Bologna, Italy

(2) ETG risorse e tecnologia srl, Montiglio (At), Italy

(P1.26) Design of integrated isotopic laser spectroscopy system for the characterization of explosion products


Giovanna Fotia (1), M. Palestrino (1), R. Grande (1), D. Mileto (2), A. Mancon (2), N. G. Kozan Manguel (1). M. R. Gismondo (2)

(1) ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, L. Sacco University Hospital, via G.B. Grassi 174, 20157, Milan, (Italy)

(2) University of Milan, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, via G.B. Grassi 174, 20157, Milan, (Italy)


(P1.27) Needs Assessment and Training Effectiveness: Building Sustainable Capacities for Epidemic Preparedness and Response in Northern Uganda.