(Building F - GROUND FLOOR - F, Fl. 0)

(Room S.4)

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 (10:00 a.m-03:00 p.m)



Rapid detection and identification of biological and chemical agents represent one of the major challenges today. The presence of environmental chemical and biological pollutants, arising from industrial and research facilities, may prohibit the use of some techniques that are used for the detection and identification of Chemical Warfare and Biological Warfare Agents. This session examines the latest techniques that can be employed to detect and identify both civilian and military materials.

Particularly, the session is aimed at bringing together researchers and experts in the following fields:

  • CBRNE Detection and Identification Techniques and Methods
  • Stand-on and Stand-off Detection and Identification Technologies
  • Experimental and Applied Physics for CBRNE Detection and Identifications
  • Engineering Applications for CBRNE Detection and Identifications
  • Technical Challenges on CBRNE
  • Explosive Detectors
  • Field Sampling & Analysis
  • Physics Applied to Safety and Security Issues


Dubravka Milovanović

Assistant Research Professor  and Assistant Director at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia)


Pasqualino Gaudio

Researcher in Experimental Physics Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)


Antonio Palucci

Senior Researcher, ENEA, Frascati Research Centre (Italy)



Oral Presentations



Francesco Castrataro (1) (Invited Speaker)

(1) Ten. Gen. Ing.  and Head of the Italian Army Engineers Corp, Terrestrial Armaments Director (Capo di Corpo degli Ingegneri dell'Esercito, Direttore degli Armamenti Terrestri) (Italy)

(O12.2.1) Detection of Biological Warfare Agents using UV Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

M. P. Marčeta Kaninski (1), S. D. Karić (1), Ž. M. Nikolić (1), Dubravka S. Milovanović, (1) (Invited Speaker) G.S. Tasić (1), Vladimir M. Nikolić (1)

(1) University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia

(O12.2.2) On the Removal of Organic Pollutants from Concrete Structures of Residential Buildings


Pasqualino Gaudio (1)

(1) Researcher in Experimental Physics Dep. of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

(O12.2.3) Standoff detection and identification of chemical agents by LIDAR and DIAL techniques

Antonio Palucci (1)

(1) Senior Researcher, ENEA, Frascati Research Centre (Italy)

(O12.2.4) Proximal and/or Stand-off detection of threats are demanding challenges in CBRNe

Vladimir Nikolic (1), M. Marčeta Kaninski (1), M. Tošić (1), Ž. Nikolić (1), D. Milovanović (1), T. Brdarić (1)

(1) University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Department of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, (Serbia)

(O12.2.5) Detection and identification of the warfare agents in different matrices by capillary column electron impact GC-MS

M. Lafuente (1), I. Pellejero (2), V. Sebastián (1), M. A. Urbiztondo (3), R. Mallada (1),  J. Santamaría (1), Maria Pilar Pina (1)

(1) Nanoscience Institute of Aragon, University of Zaragoza, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Edif. I+D+i, Campus Rio Ebro, C/Mariano Esquillor, s/n, 50018 Zaragoza, (Spain)

(2) Institute for Advanced Materials, Public University of Navarre, Edif. Jerónimo de Ayanz, Campus Arrosadia, s/n, 31006 Pamplona-Iruña, (Spain)

(3) Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Zaragoza, 50090 Zaragoza, (Spain)

(O12.2.6) Real time detection of CWA simulants in gas phase by SERS

Sergey Babichenko (1), A.S. Piette (2), L. Poryvkina (1), O. Rebane (1), B. Smits (2), I .Sobolev (1), N. Soboleva (1), J.L.Gala (2)

(1) LDI Innovation, 12 Lohu, Tallinn, (Estonia)

(2) Center for Applied Molecular Technologies, Institute of Clinical and Experimental Research, Université catholique de Louvain, Clos chapelle-aux-champs, Brussels, (Belgium)

(O12.2.7) Stand-off detection of microbial contamination

Christopher Pöhlmann (1)  and  T. Elßner (1)

(1) Bruker Daltonik GmbH (Germany)

(O12.2.8) Field based multiplex detection of biothreat agents

Licia Dossi (1), Mogens H. Jakobsen (2), Jan Larsen (3), Lina Lässig (4), Sol Tatlow (5), Lars Sandström (6), Ole T. Buus (3), Lasse L. Mølgaard (3), Hamid Babamoradi (7), Milan Laustsen (7), Caroline O'Keeffe (1)

(1) Centre for Defence Chemistry, Cranfield University, Defence Academy of United Kingdom, Shrivenham, (UK)

(2) Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, (Denmark)

(3) Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, (Denmark)

(4) R&D, Securetec Detektions-Systeme AG, Neubiberg, (Germany)

(5)PRO DESIGN Electronic GmbH,  (Germany)

(6) Gammadata Instrument AB,  (SWEDEN)

(7) Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, (Denmark)

(O12.2.9) Detecting the threat: Crim-Track sensor system

Fabiana Arduini (1), S. Cinti (1), D. Neagu (2), D. Moscone (1), G. Palleschi (1)

(1) Department of Chemical Science and Technology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 00133, Rome, Italy.

(2) Tecnosens, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, Parco Scientifico, 00133 Rome, Italy.

(O12.2.10) Early and on site detection of nerve agents using miniaturised and cost-effective biosensors

Florian Gebert (1), Marian Kraus (1), Lea Fellner (3), Arne Walter (1), Carsten Pargmann (1), Frank Duschek (1)

(1) German Aerospace Center, Institute of Technical Physics, Langer Grund, Lampoldshausen, 74239 Hardthausen

(O12.2.11) Standoff detection and classification of chemical and biological hazardous substances combining temporal and spectral laser induced fluorescence techniques

Trey Sieger  (1)

(1) 908 Devices | Safety & Security (USA)

(O12.2.12) Handheld High-Pressure Mass Spectrometry for CBRNE Threat Detection

J.S. Elisabeth Wieslander (1)

(1) Karve Engineering, CTBTO   University of Jyväskylä, Vienna, (Austria)

(O12.2.13) Nuclear research's direct impact on monitoring and event preparedness

Angelo Minotti (1)

(1) Researcher and DUAL-USE expert, University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)

(O12.2.14) A novel micro propulsion system to enlarge NANOSATs applications to CBRNe identification