(Building F - GROUND FLOOR - F, Fl. 0)
(Room S.3)
Monday, 22 May 2017 (02:00 p.m-06:30 p.m)
The evolution of and increase in Safety and Security threats requires an improvement to the emergency systems to deal with crisis, including those connected to ordinary and non-conventional
events. In every industrial country there are multiple entities with highly-specialized teams in very specific fields, but the complexity of the events requires professionals that not only have
specific know-how, but also expertise in the relevant areas. To face an emergency properly highly specialized first responders and CBRNE advisors to the decision makers require comprehensive
competences in the field of CBRNE safety and security. Active learning is a key element to CBRNE awareness and preparedness and represents two critical factors that need to be
The session is aimed at bringing together researchers and experts in the following fields:
Frank Reiner
President of The Chlorine Institute (USA)
Dieter Rothbacher
Co-owner of the Hotzone Solutions Group BV (The Netherlands)
Andrea Malizia
Researcher Measures and Physics at the Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
Oral Presentations
Frank Reiner (1) (Invited Speaker)
(1) President of The Chlorine Institute (USA)
(O3.1) The Sum is Greater than the Parts: The Chlorine Institute Approach to Emergency Response Training
Ian Stubbs (1) (Invited Speaker)
(1) UK Police Officer, to National Counter Terrorism Policing at the National CBRN Centre (UK)
(O3.2) UK Multi-Agency Management of CBRN Events
Giovanni Ferrari (1), F. Di Paolo (1)
(1) Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile - Direzione Centrale della Difesa Civile e delle Politiche di Protezione Civile - Ufficio II - Difesa Civile Ministero Interno (Italy)
(O3.3) Command post exercises are the best way to evaluate the preparedness of your organization
Dieter Rothbacher (1)
(1) Co-owner of the Hotzone Solutions Group BV (The Netherlands)
(O3.4) Hotzone Solutions – CBRNE Training
M. Martellini (1), T. Novossiolova (2) and Andrea Malizia (3)
(1) Associate Professor of Physics, University of Insubria (Italy)
(2) LNFV and ICIS, Como, (Italy)
(3) Researcher in Physics and Measures at the Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
(O3.5) A Reflection on the Future of the CBRN Security Paradigm
Angelo Minotti (1)
(1) Researcher and DUAL-USE expert, University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)
(O3.6) Academic outreach on counterproliferation: the Dual Use Space System technical course
Andrea Gloria (1)
(1) Lt. Col. (OF-4), ITA-A, Department Director PROT, Protection Department, NATO SCHOOL, Obberammergau, (Germany)
(O3.7) International Training Curriculum for advisors in emergencies and CBRNe events management
Giada Bellanca (1)
(1) International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events (Italy)
(O3.8) Project and solution to fill the gap between professionals and population
R. Fiorito (1-2), Giorgio Pistilli (1-2), R.Villanacci (2), P. Rosati (3), E. Casadei (4) , M. L. Maniscalco (5), G. Sergiacomi (1), G. Scotti di Uccio (6), S. Tangorra (7), M. Martini (8), F. Fontana (8)
(1) Tor Vergata University, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Via Montpellier 1, Rome, (Italy)
(2) Tor Vergata University, ISSMM, Via Montpellier 1, Rome, (Italy)
(3) Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Unit of Clinical Epidemiology, Piazza S. Onofrio 4, Rome, (Italy)
(4) San Tommaso D’Aquino Pontifical University (Angelicum), Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, (Italy)
(5) Roma 3 University, Department of Political Science, Via Ostiense 159, Rome, (Italy)
(6) Air Force Study Center Giulio Douhet (CESMA), Via Marcantonio Colonna 23-25, Rome, (Italy)
(7) Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA), Via Arno 38, Rome, (Italy)
(8) Guglielmo Marconi University, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Via Plinio 44, Rome, (Italy)
(O3.9) Multidisciplinary education in managing maxi-health emergencies in unconventional events. Preliminary results from the International
Security/Safety/Global Strategy and Medical Maxi-Emergency (ISSMM) Master
Brian Banks (1), F. Reiner (2)
(1) Marketing Manager at CHEMTREC® / American Chemistry Council (USA)
(2) President of The Chlorine Institute (USA)
(O3.10) CHEMTREC, a 24/7 operations center specializing in Level 1 Response Support for shippers and transportation providers.
S. Corrao (1) , L. Capobianco (2), R. Emmnanuele (3), A. Malizia (4), O. Cenciarelli (5), M.C. Carestia (4), P. Gaudio (5) and Daniele Di Giovanni (5)
(1) Ministry of Home Affairs, National Fire and Rescue Service, Provincial command of Rome.(Italy).
(2) Ministry of Home Affairs, National Fire and Rescue Service, Central Directorate for Emergency Response, Piazza del Viminale, Rome, (Italy).
(3) Ministry of Home Affairs, National Fire and Rescue Service, Central Directorate for Prevention and technical Safety, Rome (Italy).
(4) University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Dept. of Biomedicine and Prevention, Via di Montpellier, Rome (Italy)
(4) University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Via del Politecnico, Rome (Italy)
(O3.11) Study of a Table Top Exercise (TTX) model for the evaluation of training activities on external emergency plans of “Seveso III companies