Prof. Eduardo Gallego

CHAIRMAN T.4. -Radioactive and Nuclear threats

 Engineer in Energy Technology (1982); Ph.D. (1990); Professor (permanent academic staff) at Technical University of Madrid (UPM) since 1993; Chair Professor since 2012. Director of the Nuclear Engineering Department (2011-2014). He is leading a small research team on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety. He is also responsible of an experimental facility for neutron dosimetry and calibration. Teaching activity on Radiological Protection, Radioactive Waste Management, Environmental Radiological Impact Assessment and Nuclear Safety. Supervisor of 8

PhD Theses.

Research lines on Radiation Protection:

  • Environmental radiological impact
  • Accident consequence assessment
  • Emergency planning, countermeasures and rehabilitation strategies analysis for radioactively contaminated areas
  • Neutron dosimetry and calibration of neutron measurement instruments (supervisor of the neutron research laboratory of the university).

Prof. Gallego has more than thirty years’ experience in the field of assessment of radiological and economic consequences of nuclear accidents, emergency planning and related problems, participating in the 80’s and 90’s in some international working groups (like groups of experts of the NEA/OECD-CRPPH, IAEA’s VAMP or the EC project MARIA). He collaborated with the Nuclear Safety Council of Spain (1989-1995) in the evaluation of emergency planning in Spain, and more recently (2005-2013) in the implementation and use of decision support systems for nuclear and radiological emergencies (JRODOS, MOIRA).

Remarkable research contributions in the last years were made in European projects like MOIRA (A Model-Based Computerised System for Management Support to Identify Optimal Remedial Strategies for Restoring Radionuclide Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems and Drainage Areas), playing an active role in the development and practical testing of several modules of the MOIRA decision support system, mainly those for the assessment of doses to man and biota and the economic cost of countermeasures, as well as the module for decision analysis based on Multi-attribute Analysis. Then, he has been an active partner of the European projects EURANOS, NERIS-TP and PREPARE. Cofounder and member of the Management Board of the NERIS Platform (European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery,  ).

Co-editor of 4 books. Author or co-author of more than 60 scientific papers in international journals; more than 20 in national journals of professional interest; 17 in books. Author or co-author of more than 80 communications to international congresses and 60 to national congresses.

Besides his academic and scientific profile, Prof. Gallego is member of the Spanish Radiological Protection Society (SEPR) since 1986, having been member of the Executive Board (Treasurer) in 2000-2004, Vice-President (2010-2012) and President (2013-2015).


With regard to the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), he was member of the International Congress Programme Committee (ICPC) of the IRPA10 Congress (Hiroshima) in 2000; scientific Secretary of the ICPC for the IRPA-11 Congress (Madrid) in 2004 and Chairman of the ICPC for the IRPA12 Congress (Buenos Aires) in 2008. Co-organiser of three Workshops on “Processes and Tools for Stakeholder Engagement in Radiation Protection”, held in Salamanca (2005), Montbéliard (2006) and Oxford (2007) and member of the core group elaborating the “IRPA Guiding Principles for Stakeholder Engagement in Decision-Making in RP”. In 2015 co-organized the Second European Workshop on the Ethical Dimensions of the Radiological Protection System, in cooperation with ICRP and IRPA. In 2008 he was elected member of the IRPA Executive Council for the period 2008-2016, and in 2016 he was elected IRPA Vice-President for the term 2016-2020. In ICRP, Prof. Gallego was member of the Task Group producing ICRP Publication 111, “Application of the Commission’s Recommendations to the Protection of People Living in Long-term Contaminated Areas after a Nuclear Accident or a Radiation Emergency” (2010). Member of ICRP Committee 4 (2013-2017 and a second term 2017-2021), acting as critical reviewer of TG93 report “Application of the Commission’s Recommendations for the Protection of People in the Event of a Nuclear Accident – Update of Publications 109 and 111 –”, TG98 “Application of the Commission’s Recommendations to exposures resulting from contaminated sites from past industrial, military and nuclear activities” and TG97 “Application of the Commission’s Recommendations for Surface and Near Surface Disposal of Solid Radioactive Waste”. Contributor to the TG 92 on Terminology and Definitions.