CHAIRMAN T.3. -Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure, IoT and AI Investigation
Education and academic degrees: 2012, MSc degree in Computer Engineering, in National Aerospace University n. a. N. E. Zhukovsky “KhAI”; 2013, Sp.Ed. in Information Security, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics “KNURE”; 2018, PhD. topic “Methods and means of the cybersecurity requirements compliance ensuring for programmable logic systems”.
Industrial and academic experience: 2011-2016 – assistant lecturer, 2016-2019 – senior lecturer, 2019-at the present time – Associate Professor of Computer Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity of National Aerospace University named after N.E. Zhukovsky “KhAI”; 2018 – at the present time, Head of Cybersecurity board at Technical Committee 185 “Industrial Automation; 2018 – at the present time - expert of Kharkiv Region Centre Industry 4.0; invited lecturer (Estonia: 2015, 2016; UK: 2017, 2018).
National and International Projects (after 2011): developer in 5 national state-funded projects, manager and researcher of 5 international EU-funded projects (Tempus, Erasmus+, FP7, Horizon2020) on dependable control systems, infrastructure safety and security, green IT-engineering, multi-sectoral cybersecurity systems, academia-industry cooperation, IoT systems.
Conference Activities (after 2010): speaker of 21 International conferences (Bulgaria, Greece, Estonia, France, Georgia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, UK, Ukraine); 3 awards for the best papers, research and edition activities; International advisory board co-chair of Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT) Conferences (2010-2019).
Publications: author and co-author of 70 scientific works (journal papers and conference proceedings, 13 joint monographs and 9 educational and methodological manuals) which are devoted to safety and security assessment and assurance of complex systems and critical applications.
Research directions:
• safety and cyber security assessment and assurance of critical I&C systems;
• safety and cyber security co-engineering;
• regulatory aspects (technical and legislative regulation) of critical I&C systems;
• techniques and tools for safety and cyber security assessment;
• dependability and resilience of embedded, web, cloud and IoT systems;
• academia-industry cooperation.