SESSION 1 - Emergency management


Lt.Col. Stephen Johnson 

UK Army - UK Ministry of Defence



Cmd. Sergio Schiaroli

Head of the CBRN Risk office  - Italian Fire Fighters - Italian Ministry of Interior



Col. Marco Baleani

Commander 7th Regiment CBRN Defence "Cremona"  - Italian Army - Italian Ministry of Defence


This session will host presentations based on the following description.


After a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or explosive event, whether intentional or not, the importance of a rapid and correct response by the emergency management team is vital, to reduce the magnitude of the effects to a minimum and to save lives. The correct response in such a crisis can only be achieved by following previously defined and well-rehearsed standard operating procedures, and a prompt and correct communication flow at both the strategic and operational levels. It is equally crucial that these procedures involve a clear focus on inclusive operations, accounting for differences in life-saving measures required in response to vulnerable members of society (the disabled, children, elderly people, etc.). A well-defined command and control workflow is the best basis for good management of such an emergency, both from a civilian and military standpoint, thus highlighting the duality approach in such an event.

This session will host the work of the experts that will reflect those concepts.

Keywords: Emergency Management; Crisis Management; Disaster Management; Industrial Accidents; Command and Control of CBRNe Events; Civil Protection, Civil Defence, dual-use technologies; Inclusive Disaster Risk Management; Vulnerable Citizens 

Here it is the list of the oral presentations of technical session 1.

The abstract will be available on the book of abstract.

You can complete the registration to participate at our conference here: LINK

You can consult the program and the scheduling of the presentation here: LINK

22.TS1. 7th CBRN def. regiment Role, Capabilities and Operations.

Marco Baleani(1)

1. 7th CBRN def. regiment Commander, Italian Ministry of Defence, Civitavecchia, Italy


23.TS1. Italian military CBRN educational and training capabilities.

Riccardo Fambrini(1)

1. Commander NBC School of Rieti, Italian Ministry of Defence, Rieti, Italy


24.TS1. The new police internal communication in CBRNE incidents management.

Francesco Guarasci(1)

1. Police State Department, Italian Ministry of Interior, Italy


25.TS1. Bergamo poison control center role in hazmat disaster prevention, planning and training.

Mariapina Gallo(1), Giuseppe Bacis(1)

1. Bergamo Poison Control Center ASST Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy 


26.TS1. Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the Selection of Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) handheld detection equipment for the federal Civil Defence Force in the United Arab Emirates.

Ahmed Gamal Ibrahim(1) and Khaled Ibrahim Al Atrash(2)

1. HotZone Solution Group, Doctor Kuyperstraat 5, 2514 BA Den Haag, Netherlands

2. Civil Defence General Head Quarter, AL Nahyan, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


27.TS1. Management of a fire in a municipal solid waste landfill.

Gaetano Vallefuoco(1)

1. Director of the General Direction of Firefighter, Public Rescue and Civil Defence of Sicily, Ministry of Interior, Italy


28.TS1. Modelling dispersion of radionuclides during public events.

Edoardo Cavalieri d'Oro(1,2), Andrea Malizia(3), Michele Lupoli(1),  Riccardo Benedetto(1), Cristina Pozzi(4)

1. Italian National Fire and Rescue Services, Italian Ministry of Interior, Italy 

2. Department of Industrial Engineering,Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy

3. Department of Biomedicine and Prevention,Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy

4. Arianet s.r.l, Italy


30.TS1. The national plan for the management of radiological and nuclear emergencies.

Francesco Geri(1)

1. Presidency of the Council of Ministers– Department of Civil Protection, Rome, Italy


31.TS1. Development of a Counter CBRN professional development program.

Steve Johnson(1), Matthew Healy(2), David Crouch(2) 

1. UK Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom

2. Cranfield University, United Kingdom


32.TS1. Design and use of a multiparametric simulator for integrating patient metadata with genetic data on pathogens with pandemic potential: a step forward in pandemic preparedness and response.

Maxime Bonjean(1), Jérôme Ambroise(1),  Jean-Luc Gala(1)

1. Centre de Technologie Moléculaire Appliquée (CTMA), Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium


33.TS1. Modification of emergency management systems based on experiences in the civil protection systems of Germany and Ukraine.

Maksym Kustov(1), Volodymyr Andronov(1), Christian Buscham(2) 

1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine 

2. European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


34.TS1. Emergency management of nuclear and radiological events in Slovakia.

Klara Richtarechova(1)

1. CEO & Director of DESYRE, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia


35.TS1. CBRN response under the European flag.

Ida Cosentino(1)

1. DG ECHO, European Commission


36.TS1. Operating in CBRN Environments – a snapshot of Australia’s defence research programs.

Antony M. Hooker(1), Axel Bender(2), Nicholas FitzGerald(2), Jia-Yee Lee(3)

1. Centre for Radiation Research, Education, and Innovation, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

2. Operating in CBRN Environments STaR Shot, Australian Department of Defence, Edinburgh, South Australia, Australia

3. Centre for Advanced Defence Research and Enterprise (CADRE-OCE), University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


37.TS1. Comparative study of the management of CBRN risk in two major European urban agglomerations: Paris - Milan.

Caterina Zampieri(1), Sergio Albarello(2), Edoardo Cavalieri d’Oro(3)

1. Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris, France

2. Armed Forces Medical Corps, Ministry of Health and Prevention, Paris, France

3. Italian National Fire and Rescue Services, CBRN unit in the region of Lombardy, Italy


38.TS1. Beirut Port Explosion: Post-blast Management Operations.

Andrea Gloria(1)

1. Head of the Technical Operational Unit - National Authority for the implementation of the CWC, Disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation Office, General Directorate for Political Affairs and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy 


244.TS1. The potential and the power of a Table-Top Exercise.

Michael Ian Thornton(1)

1. INAC, International Alliance CBRN, UK

2. HESAR - Health Safety Environmental Research Association Rome,  Italy 


248.TS1. Joint Centre of Studies for Military Applications (CISAM): a great opportunity for all IT MoD Defence Agencies.

Mauro Galliussi(1), Andrea Cini(1), Massimiliano Russo(1), Riccardo Fantini(1)

1. Joint Centre of Studies for Military Applications (CISAM), Pisa, Italy


249.TS1. The Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence and Emergency Management.

Linda Varekova(1), Warren Deatcher(1)

1. Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence, Vyškov, Czech Republic


251.TS1. Airborne and ground-based multidisciplinary monitoring for man-made and natural environmental hazard mitigation purposes.

Massimo Chiappini(1)

1.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy


255.TS1. Thales Italia and the evolution of CBRNe.

Roberto Rossi(1)

1.Thales Italia S.p.A